Saturday, November 22, 2008


So I went to see Twilight last night with some friends, and yes, there were a lot of "oohs" and sighs from the audience. A couple who went with us who hadn't read the book, kept asking why everyone was chuckling and oohing when a new character appeared in the movie. I thought it was well cast. Jacob and the husband of one of the ladies I went with kindly refused to go. I don't think they were interested in a vampire movie that a bunch of girls wanted to go see. Anyway, it's crazy how this series has reached so many people, young & old. It's been so fun to be able to connect with so many people at church or around town because I've seen them reading the Twilight books. Who'd have thought that Sage's speech teacher, the manager at my gym, a friend from storytime, sisters from Relief Society, me and my mom, and so many others, would all go ga-ga over a vampire book? I love it. So thanks to Katyanne for introducing me to Stephenie Meyers way back in our Moscow book club. And if you see the movie, let me know what you think!


Jill W said...

It was good, but I'm glad it had been several months before I finished the series. I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much if I'd just finished the first book, because there's no way Hollywood can do what my mind can! So now I'm re-reading Twilight, this time out loud to Stephen!

Katyanne said...

well well well Ive been tagged in a post!!! that was exciting to read...wasn't expecting it. I can't wait to see the movie....I've been in the process of packing and moving all our stuff down and so I have to wait till next week to watch it...grr.

GO TEAM JACOB!!!!!!!!!

Natasha said...

I went to the midnight showing of Twilight here in Ogden. They were showing the movie on all 13 screens.... I've never seen so many women (both teenagers and adults) together in one theater!! It was nuts.
I thought the movie was OK. Obviously, my imagination is waaaay more vivid than anything that Hollywood can produce. It seemed a bit rushed to me and I didn't like the way they portrayed the speediness of the vampires, I think that could have been done better. I also would have liked to have seen more of Alice.

Jen, Dave, Reagan and Matthew said...

I saw it again for the second time and loved it even more the second time around. I'm kinda glad I didn't see it with Dave. I don't think I would have paid that much attention to him. I was drooling over Edward. And yes it's true. Even though Edward is amazing on screen. I still get to go home to my own private Edward. I make sure to tell him that though :-)
love ya.

Jeff and Lea said...

Hey Morgan, I saw it on opening night with some girlfriends. All three of us liked it, but didn't love it. I don't think they portrayed the love enough. All of her stutterings and sighs made her look retarded not breathless because of his beauty. I think I'll have to see it again though.